Meet the Crew

Here they are folks; my pride and joy, my yin and yang, the reason the sun comes up in the morning, my pencils.
From top to bottom: rotary lead sharpener, graphite leads, kneaded eraser, cheap little junky sharpener, and two Koh-i-noor all metal clutch pencils. ( aka lead holders, aka drafting pencils)
Don’t get me wrong there really is no magic pencil.  It is easy to get caught up in the rush of obtaining art supplies but no matter what you choose to spend your money on it still comes down to your ability to use it. And the only way to get good at using it is to use it.
I personally prefer clutch pencils because they allow for a variety of strokes, they don’t get smaller as you sharpen them and you can sharpen them to a point that could be used to tattoo with. (Ouch) see! The nice thing about metal ones is they don’t snap in two if they are in your pocket when you sit down. This happens quite a bit to me, since I don’t like going anywhere with out one of these little guys. Koh-i-noor is the only brand I have found that makes metal ones so it might take a little hunting to track one down. On a side note, if you do decide that you want to try clutches then don’t get the stupid little sharpener. It will save you a couple bucks that’s true. However, no matter how little money you spend to buy one it’s wasted money. You need to just go a head and pay for the rotary sharpener.
So now that I have shown you mine you show me yours. Or tell me about yours anyway. What do you like to use to draw with?

About Edward Joel Wittlif

I'm an artist living near the Rocky Mountains View all posts by Edward Joel Wittlif

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